Thursday, June 15, 2006

This serpent’s tail has come undone…

So here I see you today,
With nothing more then spit to say.
You were my angel, so divine
My classic glass of wine
Now you’re a fucked, broken bottle of rum,
Shredded piece of filth you’ve become.

I gave into you because I believed,
You tore me apart and left me to bleed.
You’ve tasted my flames of desire,
And now you dance on my blazes of fire.
Look into my eyes and tell me now,
Will you remain an angel in your little brothers’ eyes?
Will you still be his ever white dove?
Scared with shameless love, you are today
Tell me, look into my eyes and tell me

I’m no longer that little boy with the world to give
I now have a new need to live
I now, am filled with yellow dark colors of revenge
I will run after you till this life comes to an end.
I promise....
Fuck this crap n' fuck that love
I rebel now around you.
See this smile I hold on to
Smell this revenge start to grow
Feel this tainted love....

I’ll listen to you shout in pain,
I’ll grin to every shout you scream.
I’ll love you forever now,
The way you’ve always wanted me to

This is your time to run,
This serpent’s tail has come undone…


Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Demonic Child

Tonight I unleash my demons; I let them run free in these streets of my hollow city. Run free my babies, run free my young fruits of tainted love. Wake up the dead from their unraveled tombs, bring life back to all what is evil for tonight we will populate this soil with new love and passion. Dark chocolate, bitter sweet, and dead march of the feet. Nothing will stand in your path tonight, nothing will stop this fight, for at dawn you are born again. Born with lust instead of love, learn to kill instead of forgive, teach those how shutting doors at your faces will taste like. Run my youngens run freely in her veins, show her what her love did to me, let her feel this misery. Revenge me my children, revenge me from your mother. She never loved you from the start, she never was compassionate from the heart. She lied to me, she fooled me into her, she was my greatest deceive. Tonight you ravel in her mind, tonight you break up her spine. But slowly, let her feel aroused as you do. Run my babies run as fast as you can, let me smell her burn in her own desire, let her taste this flaming fire. And as she gives in, raise up the torch even higher. I will love you truthfully, I will hold you gently. I am yours to love. Live inside of her, fill her with horror and pain. I beg of you child, let me see her burn in this hell of desire. Come with me hold my hand, I will show you where this vicious mother lives her land. Race me up the hill, for tonight we shall kill, we will slaughter her last filthy breath, we will burn her little pieces of flesh, I will teach you how to slay, though she’ll be my first, I’ll make sure she’s the last of her kind. Race me down the hill demon child, tonight we feast with pride. So make me proud, make me smile, show her what your teeth are for. Spit venom in her running thoughts, crap love into her life, show her what's she done to me, revenge me demon child. For tonight, this serpent’s tail has come undone….